Ultra Violet Degradation
The problem of U.V. is significant on asphalt. U.V. rays from sunlight cause the surface to crack. Cracks over time will widen and allow water to penetrate to the base. This is the major cause of potholes.
PMCO is not affected by oxidation or U.V. It totally eliminates these problems from asphalt and preserves the asphalt for 15 plus years with minimal maintenance. This means that at least two repaving cycles are eliminated saving hundreds of thousands of US $ in life cycle costs.
You Can’t Preserve Pavement with A Material That Is Subject to The Same Problems That Destroy the Pavement You Are Trying to Preserve.
Problems Associated wth Asphalt Road Surfaces
Asphaltic pavements suffer from the effects of environmental factors and exposure from ultraviolet light, water, aggressive chemical spills, and abrasion. Water and UV exposure strip the pavement of its asphaltic binder, which causes fading, hardening and brittleness resulting from oxidation. This condition leads to cracking, subsequent crack wall erosion, and asphalt aggregate being freed from its binder causes deterioration of the pavement surface. The pavement accordingly suffers reduced service life, requiring additional overlays every six years.

Factors limiting the life of Asphalt
- Water and U.V. destroy asphalt
- U.V. causes surface cracks
- Crack wall erosion leads to potholes and base failure
- Engine oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, and brake fluid, damage asphalt surfaces
- Asphalt absorbs and retains heat
- Price instability restricts usage
Asphalt is basically a temporary product. It is an excellent paving material but has a significant weakness. It is severely affected by rainwater. Water running over the surface causes pavement oxidation. Oxidation causes the asphalt binder to evaporate and release the stones which are the strength of the asphalt surface. This problem causes the pavement to fail and must be milled and resurfaced every eight years.

Ultra Violet Degradation
The problem of U.V. is significant on asphalt. U.V. rays from sunlight cause the surface to crack. Cracks over time will widen and allow water to penetrate to the base. This is the major cause of potholes.
PMCO is not affected by oxidation or U.V. It totally eliminates these problems from asphalt and preserves the asphalt for 15 plus years with minimal maintenance. This means that at least two repaving cycles are eliminated saving hundreds of thousands of US $ in life cycle costs.
You Can’t Preserve Pavement with A Material That Is Subject to The Same Problems That Destroy the Pavement You Are Trying to Preserve.